Localization: Talk To Your Target Customer


This is the story of Quokka. I started it when stories were the most valuable currency in Silicon Valley.

This cute quokka somehow demonstrates great content and product marketingBack in 1998, I was a cub reporter for the now-defunct San Francisco Independent newspaper. I was sometimes sent to cover events that showed up in our daily stack of press releases, including the frequent (and extravagant) launch parties of Internet companies.

One of these was thrown by Quokka, a company that promised to revolutionize sports media using the Web. I arrived to find scores of guests chatting in a colorful lobby, munching on a mountain of crudité and an ocean of shrimp. A band was playing somewhere.

The CEO took the press around the company’s new offices. He proudly showed off a 5,000 square-foot floor, full of new cubicles, which he promised would be full of employees within months. A constellation of satellite dishes graced the roof. Quokka, he said, would be the number-one site for all live streaming sports, providing a real-time experience that traditional networks could not match. The site would attract action junkies, loyal team fans, and statheads. It was the next ESPN, in short. And that’s roughly what I wrote.

Quokka ended up going public in 1999, and produced websites to broadcast sports events exclusives. They produced coverage of the 2000 America’s Cup race and the 2000 Olympics, a high-water mark for the company. Then the tide went out.

By the end of 2001, the company had shed two-thirds of its staff and pivoted to a model of providing network infrastructure to other content providers. Quokka limped along until 2007, when it finally sank under the waves.

Now, 17 years later, I can finish the story of Quokka Sports.

Everything To Everyone

Quokka presented itself as the sports destination for everyone. It was the source of action sports and mainstream sports, the place for live streaming and real-time statistics. Quokka would be the best at delivering the network technology and at creating the content. In other words, the site was going to be everything to everyone.

While the company may also have tried to do too much technically, it also made a serious marketing error in presenting itself this way. By attempting to speak to almost every consumer on the Internet, the company only succeeded in exhausting its voice. A man on the street who yells at everyone convinces no one.

Quokka failed at localization: specifying its message to a tightly defined audience of desired customers. If Quokka had localized its market, it would have tried to do fewer things, and may have been able to gain true traction with a customer base. The company could have succeeded as a network infrastructure play if it had focused from the start.

Unfortunately, Quokka was riding a bubble that demanded making the biggest splash possible. And the biggest splashes often sink the fastest.

Be Something To Somebody

A B2B company is likely to have a small prospective audience of potential buyers, particularly compared to a consumer business. Make sure you segment your market carefully and know who your customer is, then design your messaging to speak only to this niche. Several tips can keep you on the right path.

  • Make your target audience as small as possible. The more specific your audience, the more precise your message can be, and the more intensively you can try to reach this audience. People who will not buy your service are not prospects – they are a waste of your effort.
  • Feel free to specify your audience by naming it. If your target customer is an IT administrator for a hospital, for example, you might title your sell sheet with, “A message for hospital IT administrators”. This device can feel forced, however it is appropriate in many cases.
  • Speak your audience’s language. If your target customer uses specific acronyms or terminology, use them also so your prospects know you understand them and are talking to them.
  • While using specific language, avoid general weasel words such as “premiere” or “best-in-class”. These terms don’t help your reader understand if she is the right audience, and even suggest that you don’t know who is. No one believes these words. However, factually accurate terms (“#1 most popular”, “leading choice of hospital IT administrators”) can be fine if they contribute to your goals of excitement and differentiation.
  • One useful device for localizing your content is to tell a hero’s journey story, a case study of success form the point of view of your ideal customer – the hero. Your target reader will identify with the story, which will probably be more memorable than any benefit statement told from your own perspective.

Segment the Seven C’s

Effective localized content is only possible if you have accurately segmented your market, so you know who you are trying to speak to and why they will listen to you. There are many frameworks for segmentation, and any of them can be effective if the outcome is a specific addressable market that is small enough for you to reach with your available resources.

You will know your content is properly localized to your market if prospects are taking action and if every channel and group you target is responding.

Your business can’t roam the whole world and effectively win and retain customers. So cast your net in the very best place you can find, and you’ll be able to catch all the fish you can handle.

What is your most effective method of speaking to your specific, targeted audience? Tell us about it in the comments.

P.S. The image atop this post is of a quokka, an Australian marsupial that may be the most absurdly photogenic furball on the planet. Those links are so cute they are probably NSFW. You’ve been warned.


Do This, See This, Buy This: Dreamforce

Do This See This Buy This is a SteveFeyer.com feature about great products and services for marketers

San Franciscans always know when Dreamforce is coming. Streets start to close. Hotels and flights fill up. And there’s a buzz in the air beyond anything else the tech world brings to our little peninsula on the Pacific.

Dreamforce, salesforce, B2B marketingI’m excited to be at Dreamforce again after a 2-year hiatus. As Salesforce’s user conference and trade show, Dreamforce has turned into a massive combination of product demonstrations, user education, philanthropy, and parties. It’s now the world’s biggest software conference. Last year 135,000 people registered, 400 companies exhibited, and five million people watched online. There were 1,450 sessions and 20 music concerts.[1]

So you owe it to yourself to experience Dreamforce at least once, even if you don’t have a business interest in Salesforce or its constellation of partners. If nothing else, you’ll see the realized vision of one of today’s great B2B marketing geniuses, Marc Benioff.

Best of all, you can go to Dreamforce for free. Your free pass gets you into the expo hall and many of the keynotes.

So what are you waiting for? A better party? Get your pass and get to Dreamforce. I’ll see you there!


Dreamforce logo courtesy of Salesforce.com

[1] Dreamforce by the Numbers – Salesforce Blog

Do This, See This, Buy This: DigitalGroundUp

Do This See This Buy This is a SteveFeyer.com feature about great products and services for marketers

I’m happy to launch a new feature about products or services I recommend. The first installment of Do This, See This, Buy This is about a great website called DigitalGroundUp.com.

I found DGU this summer when looking for a way to get educated on digital marketing. I didn’t know much about terms like SEO, SEM, AdWords, or keywords – certainly not enough to be fully comfortable in the social and search-driven marketing world we have today.

9_10_15 DGUDGU was the answer. The site offers a suite of brief, easy-to-follow lessons teaching everything you need to know to get started with digital marketing.

The best part is the lessons really are brief – you won’t waste time with lots of material you aren’t going to use, and you will learn what you need to know. Each lesson is perfect for a lunch break and can be repeated as many times as you want.

I’m using what I learned to optimize this site, stevefeyer.com, and judging by the fast growth in traffic my DGU education is paying off handsomely!

I’m mastering digital marketing with DigitalGroundUp.com, and I strongly recommend that you do too.

There’s a special deal for readers of this blog! Sign up through this link using promo code DGULOVE and receive 25% off the first month!

Every marketer of every kind needs to be proficient in digital marketing, so give DGU a try.

Do This: DigitalGroundUp.com (use promo code DGULOVE)

Logo courtesy of DigitalGroundUp.com